Let me help you make your kitchen a healthier place! A new beginning for a healthier you starts in your kitchen.
How will you change your eating habits if you have the foods you want to avoid in your home? If you have only great choices at your fingertips, that takes away some need for willpower and decision-making.
We will go through your dry food, refrigerator and even look at what might be lurking under your sink in the form of chemical based cleaners.
We will talk about what should stay, healthier substitutions for items that should go and also share a list of good staples that you could add to your pantry for handy healthy snacks, etc. The ‘why’ part of this discussion may be of highest value due to the multiple names of foods and chemicals.
In some ways, this is similar to cleaning out your clothes closet – out with the old to make way for the new!
At the end of the process you may have products you want to donate or give them to someone that can enjoy them in the event they are healthy, though do not fit with your new diet regime. We don’t want to be wasteful nor ‘break the bank’, so there may be marginally healthy items you decide to finish what you have on hand and switch to an alternative product when it’s time to repurchase.
There may also be some things to keep and store in a separate cabinet if you have to manage different needs for multiple members of your family.
The whole process will take between 60-90 minutes. I will follow-up via email to further discuss any products in question or further cover any recommendations, as discussed during the process.