Avocados…Fruit or Vegetable?

avocadoAvocados are often not thought of as a fruit, though instead as a high fat treat to add sparingly. Though one of benefits of avocados include their ability to help emulsify fats in the body.  Let’s change our thoughts about these wonderfully healthy fruits!

Avocado’s are packed with good healthy fats and micronutrients and are considered good brain food, a must on the food list for many health conditions.  Avocados are a great source of monounsaturated fats, potassium, antioxidants, dietary fiber, Vitamin E and B Vitamins. Oleic and linoleic acids are healthy monounsaturated fats, which are important for heart health, eyes, skin, and overall strengthening of the immune system. They are also linked to reducing cancer risk, diabetes, ulcers and lowering overall cholesterol (lowering LDL and increasing HDL). Yes, they do contain some saturated fats, though this is nothing to shy away from as the fat is from whole foods and not commercial meats. One avocado has the potassium of two to three bananas and next to zero impact on blood sugar!  The antioxidant levels are substantial, notably one of the best sources of lutein, with a long list of attributes for the overall strengthening of your system.

Avocados are a healthy addition to any meal and are a great snack! Instead of a processed snack bar, next time reach for an avocado with its nutrients, fiber, protein and protective fats! Just cut open an avocado and scoop it out with a spoon.  Be sure to scoop all the fruit to get all those dark green phytonutrients just under the skin!  Also, take advantage of avocado’s creamy texture, healthy fats and low sugar and try them as the base for creamy healthy desserts!